Thursday, February 21, 2008


Greeting WSGers,
Tim and Piper have offered to host the March meeting of the WSG, the theme is BYOFB.....that's "Bring Your Own Favorite Bottle". Each couple/person brings a bottle of one of their favorite wines to taste through: i.e.. Pinot Noir, Merlot, Syrah, Zinfandel, Cabernet, Bordeaux, Burgundy, White Zinfandel, Brunello, Tempranillo, etc., etc...Anything goes and at any price point. No dues this night since the admission is the bottle you bring. This isn't an impress your friends event so bring what you really enjoy drinking. Everyone will get to present the bottle they bring. Tim and Piper, you get to make up any special rules for the evening you would like, let us know. Due to sheduling conflicts this month's meeting will be on Wednesday, March 5th at 8:00, Tim, Piper and Delaney's house. More details will follow.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

I am so bringing the chianti that comes it its own basket. Or, I saw that the liquor store/casino on the corner of Prospect and Fee has Ruinite Lambrusco for $6.30. I haven't actually ever tasted it but I like saying "Lambrusco"